Featured Recommendations

  • Ten Lessons to Transform Your Marriage: America’s Love Lab Experts Share Their Strategies for Strengthening Your Relationship. Gottman & Gottman, (2006). Crown Publisher.
  • This article gives some good basic advice about how to sustain marriages in challenging times. It is a wonderful review for anyone who is married, whether or not there are issues of concern. (PDF – 1 MB)
  • The Medical Marriage: A Couple’s Survival Guide. By Sotile & Sotile (1996), Birch Lane Press. A very helpful book for those either married to a physician, or for those in two-physician marriages.
  • Here’s a really engaging short video about smoking cessation. You might find some good ways to help your patients create an effective plan to stop smoking here.
  • A second great video from Doc Mike Evans entitled, “23 1/2 hours: What is the best thing we can do for our health?
  • Doc Mike Evans gives another visual lecture entitled, “What is the single most important thing you can do for your stress?”
  • Learning Not to Move Forward is a thought provoking piece written by Sameer Vohra, MD–a pediatrician who writes of having to learn how to avoid rushing from death to death in the hospital. This article points out how important it is to stop and reflect about the lives of the patients for whom we care.
  • The book, Prognosis Poor: One Doctor’s Personal Account of Modern Medical Training, is a wonderful resource for residents, educators, and physicians’ significant others. You can hear a radio interview with the author, Frances Southwick here or visit her website here.